Military Medical Coverage
These are a few resources that explain military medical care and coverage through TRICARE, as well as the benefits and conditions involved in the Continued Health Care Benefit Program (CHCBP), provided in part by W. John Camp (a family law practitioner in Warner Robbins, GA, and a retired Air Force JAG lieutenant colonel).
- Former Spouses TRICARE Eligibility
- The Continued Health Care Benefit Program: The Department of Defense’s Guarantee of Lifetime Health Care to All Former Military Spouses, Naval Law Review 56, pages 199-217, by Lieutenant Junior Grade Jessica Lynn Pyle, JAGC, USN
- Sample Verification of Medical Coverage
- Health Care Options for Former Military Spouses by W. John Camp
- Military Health Care: Questions and Answers About Unremarried Former Spouses and Their TRICARE and Other Entitlements by W. John Camp
- Military Retirement, Medical Care, and “Creditable Service,” by W. John Camp
- Summary table of former military spouse medical benefits, prepared by W. John Camp
- Advisory letter to clients as to CHCBP, prepared by W. John Camp
- Annuity Agreement, prepared by W. John Camp
- Language for court order regarding CHCBP, prepared by W. John Camp
- Application for CHCBP, DD Form 2837
- Continued Health Care Benefits Program
- Flowchart regarding Health Care Coverage Through CHCBP